E-MUs 40th Birthday – New/Revised Legacy Gear coming?

“ E-MUs 40th Birthday Approaches!In 2011, E-MU will be 40-years old. Going 40-years strong for any business is quite an accomplishment even in the best of economic times. As one of the early premier music and audio technology leaders, E-MU has spent those 40-years making cool and innovative products for musicians and for professional audio use. As we approach our 40th Birthday milestone, we are considering developing a special new product or maybe even bringing back or updating an E-MU legacy product from the past. We would like you to help us decide on which product that may be. Go to our Facebook Fan Page, look for the 40th Birthday discussion and let us know your thoughts and desireshttp://www.facebook.com/EMUSystems.


via Sequencer Synthesizer Forum • Thema anzeigen – E-MUs 40th Birthday Approaches !.

Well, they haven’t been very open to the Mac since they were bought by a PC Sound Card company, but they say something about an EMU Legacy Product, so just check out what they will bring us..

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